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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Have You Heard of Relationship Psychology?

You may have heard in any psychology discussion that everybody tries to satisfy his or her ego. Ego is the paramount object in psychology which drives lives of people. People keep trying to satisfy their ego. If this ego is hurt then they become unconsciously sick. No medicine works with these people. They become depressed.

When two people unite in a marriage or a live in relationship; their egos often clash. One of them has to sacrifice to let the other person's ego getting satisfied. If this does not happen then egos of both partners are hurt. In this case, it becomes a case of "no go" and so the relationship will end.

At the extreme end of this case of ego getting hurt is the case when one person continuously has been satisfying the other partner's ego at the cost of hurting his or her own ego. Ego of one partner also keeps increasing in size with time with the level of activities which form his or her ego. Apart from egos, there is one more problem. If one partner's ability to satisfy ego of his or her partner becomes not a viable solution then again the unsatisfied ego problem happens as he or she no longer can satisfy ego of his or her partner. He or she simply has reached to a point where they do not have more capacity to satisfy ego of his or her partner. So unsatisfied ego problem occurs. Relationship Psychology tries to tackle this kind of problem.

Relationship Psychology is a very interesting subject. It is interesting because when there is only one person against the whole society or unnamed or invisible person then it is easy to solve the psychological problem that person is facing. Solving the problem is simple as it will involve satisfying his or her ego. Doing so will not hurt ego of any other person. But when 2 people are involved then it really becomes complicated. More so when the relationship between them is a delicate one. Relationship Psychology involves soothing egos of both partners. This is like a double edged sword. Even when you try to defend yourself, you are also getting hurt.

Relationship Psychology deals with solving the problem from a different angle. It is like solving a jigsaw puzzle by coming out first; see the problem from a different platform so that you no longer belong to the space occupied by the problem itself. You detach yourself completely from the environment in which the problem exists. Then you can see the problem from a different perspective and in fact you will be seeing the whole problem from this space. Now you can solve the problem with more accuracy. Now you can realize that relationship psychology is not easy.

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The Elusive Meaning of My Dream

Dreams have been part of my memory as far back as age 2. My dreams have run the gamut from recurring dreams, falling dreams, flying dreams, to purely fantastic and enjoyable dreams. In search of the meaning of my dream that has been most constant in recent history I've visited a handful of dream dictionary websites to gain insight into this recurring dream.

In the dream I am always about to go somewhere, but upon leaving realize that I have so much luggage I can not possibly pack it all and leave. The type of luggage, situation, destination and goods that I just can't get packed changes, but the idea of having too much stuff is constant.

To research this dream I will have to pick and choose my terms, I'll try luggage and baggage to begin. Luggage symbolizes identity made up of all the things we carry around to be traveling with solid luggage or attractive luggage suggests strength in identity. Loosing your luggage can imply of feeling lost.

Baggage also implies a connection to identity. To see, carry or loose baggage in your dreams can be symbolic of problems not yet resolved in your daily life. Alternately, baggage in a humorous context can mean you are making simple things more difficult than they need be. Excesses in baggage can symbol unnecessary trips both physically and mentally or can point to excess products of identity, as if you are trying to be too many things at once.

What I've found is that the meanings of dreams are highly dependent on the interpretation of the context of waking life. Without connecting the symbolism of my dreams to my current life situation, the meaning could be in any of these definitions.

As it is, at the time of these dreams I was in transit, ending a major trip and switching my lifestyle temporarily to make money. In fact, in the process of transition I was feeling lost and my identity was being questioned. Once I literally unpacked my bags and stayed in one place for a month, the dreams stopped.

The meaning of dreams depends on the context of the dreamer's life. Using the symbols of dreams to better understand the deeper changes happening in life is a useful and effective way to move beyond latent psychological obstacles.

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Decoding the Meanings of Dreams

Theories on the meanings of dreams are older than the profession of psychiatry itself. Dreams reach back to pre-biblical times, reflected and alluded to in ancient texts and artworks. In ancient times dreams were believed to be a window through which the supernatural and gods communicated with the living.

Some sleep researchers agree that dreams are one of the gateways to our subconscious mind. Many researchers believe that interpreting the symbology in your dreams can help to uncover answers and understanding in your waking life.

Many people believe that there are messages in their dreams that can not be received or understood when awake. Others believe that future events can be foreshadowed through the imagery of dreams.

How do we use the age old tool of dreams in our daily lives? Without meaning anything, dreams can help us process and sort through the material in our lives. When we dream in REM sleep our brain waves are working at a low frequency allowing all hemispheres of the brain to communicate.

As a gateway to the subconscious mind, dreams can be used as tools to understand difficult situations or uncover the solutions to problems. Those who report being able to utilize their dreams for this purpose do so by setting an agenda for the dream before sleeping. As they fall asleep, they ask their subconscious mind in very clear terms to provide an answer to their question. Focusing on this question as one falls into deep sleep is meant to open up the subconscious mind to produce answers.

Dreaming is universal and most of the world's human inhabitants have remembered or experienced at lest one dream. There are dream types that are more common than others universally. Teeth falling out, recurring dreams, dreams of being chased, and flying dreams are all dream archetypes reported throughout the world.

Dream dictionaries can be helpful in discovering what your dreams are trying to tell you. The drawback is that the dream dictionaries categorize and interpret the symbolism of dreams based on widely experienced human emotions. For this reason it is necessary to consider your individual situation and reality in addition to the larger symbolism of your dreams to truly decode your dreams with meaning.

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