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Friday, September 5, 2008

Dreams And Their Meanings

I have literally interpreted thousands of dreams on the internet.
Some interpretations were good and some bad. When starting out I
did not know much about dreams. I had some basic ideas yet no real
ideas about dream theory. Now I feel that I understand most of my
own dreams. They are hidden in difficult symbolism yet they are

During the course of my own dream interpreting I have learned that

1. Dreams deal with higher thinking(ideas) and conceptual emotions.

Personally I have a much more computer based idea of the dream
mind. There are two entirely different brains within us. The left
mind or conscious mind that deals with logic. Then there is the
dream mind or unconscious. The dream mind is to be seen as the
powerhouse to higher thinking. It is also the home of emotions.
These are by their very nature also higher thinking. Emotions are
very complex and highly evolved thinking. It is easier to teach a
computer to play chess at grandmaster level than it is to teach a
computer to understand and mimic emotions.

2. Many dreams are linked specifically to new changes in your world
view that happened during the course of the previous day. Research into the mind has also revealed that some brain waves only appear during sleep. Basically we store up memories in short term memory. Then we transfer them into long term memory blocks. During this process we integrate new ideas and feelings into long term memory.

3. Dreams capture crucial changes in our thinking. Moments when we
have gained some new insight into our feelings. Contained within
the symbols are vital and key moments. Take the following example.

THE DREAM It was a short dream. I dreamt I saw Major Sharpe. That
was it.

THE INTERPRETATION Major Sharpe is a fictional character who was
portrayed on TV. Contained in this one symbol is some key symbolism that totally captured my own thinking on some incident that
happened the day before. How? Well I often try to interpret dreams
in reverse. In this case I guessed that I would dream about a
particular incident that happened the day before. I damaged a
camera. It was my own stupid fault. I had taken too great a risk
whilst taking photos of surfers on my local beach.

The dream had just one symbol - Major Sharpe. Yet this dream single symbol captured that vital piece of thinking about this event. I
felt that I had taken too great a risk. Major Sharpe was linked
very precisely to this very idea. He was a fictional military hero
from the Napoleonic era. He always led the charges and was a hero
to his men. He took insane risks and yet always won the battle
almost single handedly. In reality his actions were reckless.

I always try to reduce a dreams meaning into one quote. This
captures the core meaning of the dream and it shows which precise
idea or conceptual emotions that has been caught by the dream. In
this case I would reduce this dreams meaning to the following

"I took insane risks with my camera yesterday. I start move too
deep into the water. I was acting as if I was some fictional
military hero who always succeeds. Yet that action was reckless and stupid."

So this single quote captures the relevance of the symbols to real
life events or feelings. It singles out that crucial piece of
reasoning that goes to the very core of our conceptual thought.


Psychotherapy in the Era of Televised Treatment

These days you can't turn on your television without sitting through a pseudo therapy session. From the trendsetter Dr. Phil to Tony Soprano's "shrink", to new series like HBO's "In Treatment," and reality TV series "Intervention" and "Celebrity Rehab," psychotherapy has become home entertainment. However, it is important to discuss how psychotherapy differs from its representation on television.

Although some shows do a reasonable job of portraying the real dynamics of therapy, (albeit slightly more dramatic at times) others can be misleading. As a psychotherapist, my greatest concern is that people are basing their decisions of whether or not to seek treatment on false representations of two critical issues: the prevalence of confrontation, and inappropriate relationships.

For instance, one of the best-known "therapists" in America today, Dr. Phil, claims to simply be offering "life strategies" from his experience as a psychotherapist. While this is technically accurate, many viewers still believe he is conducting actual therapy. They do not remember that in fact, he is creating ratings-generating entertainment based on a dialogue with a "guest" who has chosen to discuss personal issues on a public TV talk show.

Dr. Phil's familiar confrontational style, while popular with fans, is not an accurate reflection of a real therapist/client relationship. In therapy, the psychotherapist must act in the best interest of that client: it is his ethical duty, and that duty guides every interaction. Therapy is often challenging to the client: the psychotherapist seeks to help the client identify patterns of behavior, thinking, and likely the roots of these patterns, and attempts to help them modify them as necessary. Although therapy can be confrontational at times, if the client is not ready to handle that challenge, the therapist will not make it: the client's well-being, and not generating ratings, is always the paramount concern.

Certainly Dr. Phil has gained many viewers with his style, and many clients expect it when they enter therapy. What is harmful, however, are those potential clients who do not enter therapy because they are not willing to be confronted in the manner that they know from television. Confrontation does happen in therapy, but not with the manner or frequency as with Dr. Phil's gimmick.

When HBO's television series "In Treatment" first appeared, many psychotherapists agreed that the show is generally realistic. This is particularly true in portraying therapy, and dealing with issues therapists face. But it raises another popular misconception: that therapists often fall in love with clients. This scenario is unrealistically depicted far too often in the entertainment industry, usually with misleading happy endings. In real life, therapists unequivocally acknowledge that getting emotionally involved with a client is one of, if not the most, severe of ethical violations.

I am told that recently the therapist on "In Treatment" acknowledged his feelings for the client in his supervision session. This would be appropriate in supervision. However, this seasoned therapist asking his supervisor is a relationship is possible after a year or so is again a depiction of romanticizing therapy. Any seasoned psychotherapist is aware that there is never an appropriate time to engage in a romantic relationship outside of therapy with a client, former or not. This is an example of a boundary issue, and psychotherapists are often charged with the goal of helping client's establish appropriate boundaries in their lives.

Psychotherapy has the potential to be a rewarding growth experience. The goals of psychotherapy are personal growth, insight, and a more fulfilling life overall. My hope is that this article helps clarify the difference between psychotherapy in real life versus on reality TV, and dispels some of the misrepresentations created by the entertainment industry. Ideally readers now have more information to enable them to make an educated decision regarding entering therapy.


How to Read a Person Like a Book In 4 Easy Steps

During my teenager's days, I happened to find a book on body language. I bought that book because I wanted to read something on my journey back that day. After which, I read that book with some interest.

Later during that day, I had a conversation with an elderly Australian clergyman in the train. He was surprised when I told him that I know what was on his mind and how he was feeling that time. He tested me and for the next couple of minutes, I not only was able to tell him his moods and feelings. I even tell him what he was thinking about.

He thought I was a psychic at one moment and I just laughed it off. I just explained to him in a few quick successions that the human body has a way of revealing the emotions, feelings and thoughts of another by how it moves.

There is a certain pattern which if you know can allow you to read a person like a book. Eventually, we spent some time discussing the topic and he discovered these secrets can be very useful when he is counseling and advising people.

Today the field of body language still holds great interest to me. It is especially useful in any conversation to understand the other party. All kind of human interaction i.e. sales, negotiations and relationship building can be applied. It can also create the psychological profile on someone without my asking.

So to prove my point on how to read a person like a book successfully, I will bring about the topic of confidence.

How do you know if someone is confident?

Plus, if you learn the body language of confidence, you can also use it to project an air of confidence for yourself.

I will show you some characteristics of a confident person relating to four parts of their body namely, verbal communication, eye contact, hand gestures and face expressions.

Step 1: Check Your Verbal Communication

You should always check the verbal communication of you and the other party. A confident person always speaks without any hesitation and is very spontaneous with a great deal of enthusiasm. They are also most probably to be charming and entertaining.

Step 2: Maintain Eye contact

Make sure you look at the other person to maintain eye contact to determine his or her confidence level. A confident person has more and longer eye contact with anyone who is holding a conversation with them.

Step 3: Active Hand Gestures

Hand gestures are also an important part of getting to know the person on a deeper subconscious level. A confident person tends to gesture outwards and away from their body. This kind of signifies that the confident person has a belief and ability that he or she can positively affect the surrounding people and events.

Step 4: Right Facial Expressions

You should look out for the overall expression of the whole face. A confident person usually has an expression that is align with the context of the conversation. If it is a light-hearted conversation, then the face is as playful as the face of a child. But if it a serious conversation, then it will be firm and resolute.

With these four steps, you can be reasonably sure you will be able to accurately gauge the confidence level of the other person. However, you would like to discover more than reading the confidence level, you might want to read more about this.


Some Common Dream Symbols

Dream interpretation is a useful but often misunderstood art.

Dream symbols can have generic interpretations and meanings. These symbolic meanings are really not hard and fast rules. In another word, they are not and should not be regarded as 100% definitive.

Below listed are some common dream symbols and their commonly associated meanings:

Water. Generally, it represents our emotion. This symbol can have many variations. Some variations include manifestations of water such as floods, rivers, oceans and ponds. Generally, ocean also represents the deep subconscious part of the human psyche.

Road. Generally, this symbol represents our journey in life. A winding road may mean that the journey ahead have twists and turns. Variations of this symbol include tracks and paths.

Room. A room generally represents a certain aspect of our self or personality. The quality of the room provides clues to the characteristic of that part of our personality.

Ghost. This is often a very misunderstood dream symbol. The ghost in our dream often represents a specific aspect of our personality that we are not consciously aware of. This lack of awareness of that part of us often gives us fear. Ghost therefore represents whatever that appears as unknown to us, that are actually a part of us too.

As said earlier, it must be understood that the meanings attached to dream symbols differ from individuals to individuals. Although there are common semantics and meanings to many dream symbols, an individual's personal upbringing and cultural beliefs can modify and change his or her internal associations to the symbols.

That's all to this article about dream interpretation. Thank you for reading.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Group Politics and Industry Associations - The Individual Creative Genius is at Stake

Recently, a new writer asked; "How can I write in a way to make me look smart?" This bothered me somewhat, you see I am a writer in my retirement and I have always been very cynical about people writing stuff, that they knew nothing about. Now, I see that there are many folks who write to deceive us for their own glory, for making money or to splash the headlines.

Another writer reading that same question, replied that the writer could never be considered smart because they are an individual and not with a group. Interesting comment and this is the perception, society often gives more credence to those who belong to a group. Think about this for a second.

Indeed, there is a lot to be said for the power of a group and their endorsement of an individual in the group, as achieved, intelligent, gifted or expert. Which, in a way, is an utter shame, because someone in a group has to alter their thoughts and mind to be one with the group to prove they are worthy, rather than using their intellect to reason a "third way" or alternative. Thus, the need to belong is so very important to people, their ego, their status and how they are perceived by others as being in this case smart, or in other cases talented, brilliant, or expert in nature.

Often people who wish to be top tier professionals will go out of their way to align themselves with associations, groups or committees to show that others believe them to be of that status.

Therefore, those who follow in lock-step in order to be perceived as intellectuals, are only of high emotional IQ, understanding that the value of perception of being wise, smart, or brilliant is more important to many than the actual genius.

The most brilliant of all would most likely allow their names to be bantered or given accolades occasionally in such groups only for the benefit of information flow or opening doors in order to go onto the next important endeavor, but all the while they would understand that groups give awards to promote the group as being filled with smart people, not actually for the benefit of the individual getting the honors.

Indeed, that is a fringe or secondary benefit to the individual, but groups care about their status as much as the gentleman wanting to be thought of as being smart, rather than going the distance to become one with wisdom, which is a long, hard and lifetime road, not merely a few writing techniques, allowing for a short cut.

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Psychology Today - Depression and Dreams

Because we have discovered the existence of the wild side of the human conscience, and because of the wisdom and goodness of the unconscious mind that produces dreams, today we know exactly how to translate dream messages. The wild side of the conscience provokes craziness in the human side because the wild anti-conscience is a priori schizophrenic.

Today we know that we can trust the unconscious mind. We know that dream messages are warnings, teachings and psychotherapy for our human conscience that needs to be developed to eliminate the dangerous anti-conscience.

If you are depressed, you can easily learn how to overcome your sadness, because you can see in your dreams what is at the root cause of the problems you are facing now and how you can solve them.

You may believe you know the reasons, however you may be completely overlooking other factors that influence the development of the reality in which you find yourself.

For example, before the invention of the microscope, nobody knew that there were so many micro-organisms everywhere. Because we know that today, we meticulously clean our equipment. We even boil everything, taking all necessary precautions so that nothing will be contaminated by the micro-organisms that cause several diseases.

In the same way, by interpreting your dreams, you will see that there are many other factors responsible for the problems you are now facing, but that you cannot see without knowing how to look for them. They are invisible to you, like the micro-organisms without a microscope.

Your insight will increase manifold.

In addition, your dreams provide you free psychotherapy and counseling for life. If you are smart, you will start learning how to interpret them right away! Start writing down your dreams today.

If you are depressed, you have a pressing reason to care for your dreams and a safe environment for treating your psychological and existential problems. You will know that the guidance you receive is absolutely correct and can help you develop your intelligence and become strong and self-confident.

The knowledge you will acquire interpreting your dreams should be reason enough to make you take notes about your dreams. In writing them out, try to understand their deeper meaning. The benefits you will receive are so numerous that they can't be described in this one article....

I've mentioned many benefits in all my articles, but there are still many that I haven't had the chance to explain to you, because you ignore the basics. If you don't know what a cell is, you can't understand how to use a microscope...

Interpreting your dreams with the only method that exactly translates their meaning, you will discover the other side of reality, where everything is prepared before it happens.

Yes, this is very impressive. Biologists have observed that behavioral programming determines animal behavior and human behavior in response to stimuli in the environment. This programming was prepared before our appearance on Earth, otherwise we would not be able to survive on this hostile planet, where so many dangers threaten all live creatures.

Since everything is so well prepared before we are born, and since we can predict the future, many things happen before we actually observe the results of them happening.

When we interpret our dreams we receive precious guidance. Later, we realize that we were able to avoid real misfortunes thanks to the warnings we received.

Preparation of reality is the scientific explanation for the possibility of predictions. Predictions are really possible and they can save many lives.

When you learn how to interpret your dreams, your internal world and your external reality become known fields for you. You enter into another level of consciousness, allowing you to solve all the problems that you were previously not able to, when you were blind and could not see what exists behind the present moment.

This is how your depression is easily treated and you pass from weakness and despair to self-confidence, courage and happiness.

If you are only depressed and your depression hasn't become a neurosis yet, by interpreting your dreams you can effect a cure in only 6 months.

You need treatment, so that all your psychological functions will be developed. This is something that cannot happen suddenly, only gradually and with your participation.

If you are already neurotic, your psychotherapy may take 8 months.

However, after your initial treatment, your occupation with dream interpretation will be fascinating, since you will be able to predict the future and correct its development when what you see ahead is not how you would like it to be.

Your depression is, in fact, an invitation to the dream world, where you can solve your internal problems, and where you can prepare the solution for all the problems of the external reality that you live in.

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East-European Views - The Society, The Devils Of Us, And Why Do We Manufacture Them?

a) The Central European region of Czecho-Slovakia recently underwent more changes than countries that are embodied in their West-European integrity. This has also affected many areas of various subjects, where we can see "transformation earthquakes".

If we are one day exposed to extreme temperature and another day to extreme frost, we differently react to our environment than other people - we unusually create and condition our social organism. We are conditioning others and being conditioned by continuous interactions. Society behaves like a physical body when, for example, a lost eye may cause a car accident and hence the subsequent death. We must keep our eyes open.

The velvet revolution in 1989 brought a lot of positive and negative facets. As a poet says - "In decay lies the highest beauty and the devil is God's highest goodness. Wonderful is the swift work of destruction in autumn." (Edith Södergran, Finnish poet, 1892-1923.) The "swift work of destruction" gave birth to things that we only heard of from the Western world - market economy; unemployment; drugs; uncertainty; boom of spiritualism; overhanging rock faces between the rich and the poor; terrorism. All these domains have their subdomains.

Here I will clearly and briefly describe the above-mentioned impacts on East-Europeans: MARKET ECONOMY - it makes a lot of people busy, parents have not time for their children, which may result in social pathological activities. Poorer economic situation demands to have more jobs. UNEMPLOYMENT - we have to study a lot of western literature to know how to cope with this burden. It is connected with drugs, gambling, crimes, suicides, family splits and quakes. DRUGS - we have a lot of drugs. Only recently did the legislative bodies start to fight against them. There is a little mentioned about the negatives of drugs in mass media. Some parents or children are completely uninformed about this issue. UNCERTAINTY - the psychological impact of it is more visible here than in the West due to the fact that we have not yet been accustomed to it contrary to people in the West. BOOM OF SPIRITUALISM - many youngsters are caught in the claws of sects and do not realize that it is only "ideological Coca Cola" that brings money and high standard of life to "Coca Cola gurus". THE RICH AND THE POOR - more visible differences make the poorer people more distressful. However, the rich think that money buys anything and these people are actually invincible. This also includes political parties. TERRORISM - we do not have terrorism but with borders open there is a possible risk. However, the rise of social pathological phenomena gives birth to various conflicts of violence between some social groups (entrepreneurs, gypsies, etc.) due to the fact that some socially pathological persons explain democracy as a possibility to do everything.

Prague was the capital of Czechoslovakia and some Slovak psychologists did not like the idea of group directive thinking that had always been woven in Prague. Psychologists separated, as other social groups, in two camps - one for independent Slovakia, another for Czechoslovakia. (Now this can be seen in a progovernment and antigovernment thinking.) I did not belong to any group. I had always been against groups. Part of colleagues started to work at politics and also top politics. The major part of psychological community consists of psychologists working in counseling centers, hospitals, schools, and other state institutions. They strive for better times without having accepted the fruit of all-possibility world (i.e. they do not work as counselors for business activities or politics).

One colleague called the years of Czechoslovak psychological community as the years of asymmetrical model. In the 1990's, psychology was accepted as an independent professional subject. Till then psychologists had only been workers assigned to various expert subjects, e.g., school and culture resorts, health resort, etc.

The most significant thing was that we were able to achieve final parliamentary proposal of the bill concerning psychological activities. We must say that the works for the preparation of innumerable versions of the law and its repeated submissions to the Slovak Parliament were often inhibited by some our colleagues rather than by people from other professions. Finally, the law No. 199/1994 from 13th July 1994 on psychological activity slithered to light.

There is a significant limitation of bilateral cooperation with Czech psychological community. Even though we could find objective reasons for this condition, I still think that we could have done more in this direction.

The positive thing brought by 1989 is the fact that psychology got out of political supervision and that there was a possibility of mutual competition in providing psychological services.
Moreover, we have the law that will start to gradually control private psychological practice so as to avoid it to be incompetently abused by wrong hands. This law is not in all East-European countries.

If I am to speak about the negatives, let me at least mention frequent endeavor of some specific group interests to be above the development of our endeavor and our psychological practice as a whole (group thinking). A good example of this is the last (and unfortunately valid) modification of the law about machine guns and ammunition where a compulsory psychological screening for applicants of machine guns was excluded. This happened mostly due to the fact that some groups of colleagues did not want to make mutual speech and more comprehensive analysis presumably under strong pressure of other groups.

b) Here I briefly introduce the evils and devils of us, the society: Market economy, unemployment, drugs, uncertainty, boom of spiritualism, the rich and the poor, terrorism. I do not want to make a comprehensive analysis. Let me repeat that this article is rather an essay. Now I will speak a little more about each above-mentioned facet.

Market economy. It is the only solution for our future, but it requires an understanding of all the INTERNET links of us, the devils (let me use a little humor). If someone wants to build a market economy and does not realize that we all are the part of this world with our mutual variability, co-responsibility and interactions, he may devastate other people. The consequence of this, as of any other behavior, shall breed transformations. This mostly concerns the people who have authority and decision-making power. Some economists shall probably never realize that greediness (and lack of ethos) in technological development is in interaction with social pathology, ecology, and other phenomena. If you imagine how much investment is going into the pits of darkness, you may have headaches. Let me give you just an example of American films of violence. Imagine how much money is invested in these films. Imagine children seeing them every day and trying to imitate them. I think that the priorities for us, the humankind, are peace, mutual understanding, tolerance of our variability, help, love, holistic approach, etc. We should invest money for doing and enhancing these values and I believe that this could be only done in the form of speakers for public opinion-making. The world would be then at least a little better. These speakers should be tolerant and educated men or women who should be more often seen on our TV screens. "Devils" from horror films make happy only the authors until their children are not murdered by someone who imitates their screenplays. Market economy requires a very skilled attitude of sophisticated supervision.

Unemployment. This phenomenon has a lot of to do with one's attitudes. If you are educated and unsuccessful to find a job, you must learn to be resistant to avoid frustration and depression. Unemployment is linked with our evil society. This society stigmatized us with a feeling that when you are unemployed you do not mean anything, which is not truth. We should change our views in this sense to realize that we are maybe more fruitful for the world than people who are employed and who devastate nature and us. This view should be proposed to schools and educate children in this direction. The society stigmatized us with mechanism of "awards" - it is generally accepted that if you are not successful, you are inferior to others. This is not truth. (For example, responsible for this are lower establishments of education. They should use very subtle forms for marking pupils - colors, acceptable pictures of animals, etc, or no marking at all, but motivation must also be in consideration.) In Slovakia children are harmed by our school system but I do not believe that in the West the school system is much too better. Carl Rogers suggested that more money be given for developing our human environment (e.g., to impose a program on schools not to harm children by making one inferior and another one superior). The unemployed should be given a chance to be organized in social activities and public opinion-making.

Drugs. I believe that drugs are the problem only because there is not sufficient information, that there are not advocates who would have authority to speak against evil. I believe that it would be cheaper and more efficient than armies of armored policemen and soldiers who only try to stuff up the hole but do not realize why it is here. Currently a very bad incident happened in Australia (Tasmania) and many people were murdered by a crazy man. Let us look at this event in this light - the person was very unhappy (theoretical construction). Why? Society harmed him. How? Imagine that he was fired from his job only because he came late to work. What happened then? Then he had appendicitis and a doctor in a public hospital asked for a bribe. Did he give it to him? No. What happened then? The society made him feel inferior. He started hating all the people, took drugs and finally bought a gun and started killing. Most of us are not aware of co-responsibilities. Most of us are only stuffing up the holes.

I maintain that a lot of evil is done because of unfair treatment of our society. We must realize that there are weaker and stronger characters and that the weaker ones are more vulnerable. If there are no people who would "fly on drugs", drugs would not be sold and used.

Uncertainty. This phenomenon is corresponding to unemployment in its nature. We need to develop positive attitudes for building a shield that would protect us against negative feelings. We should realize that human powers and weaknesses are relative. Uncertainty, in advanced countries, is mostly a result of wrong attitudes.

Boom of spiritualism. I believe that spiritual people have invisible horns. They spend hundreds of hours talking about Jesus but they do not realize that Jesus and Lord want this world to be a better place. Instead of speaking about Jesus or Vishnu they should rather speak to world economists and political leaders, speak against drugs, against intolerance. We all have mutual responsibility for one another. Imagine those people who do not go to church only because they do not like the priest and the priest is, hence, offended. If the priest showed real love and compassion, as Jesus showed to a prostitute whom the crowd wanted to stone, these people would go to church and would listen to the priest. I give you another example. Imagine I believe that the Lord created the devil as the opposition in the Congress (I am not a Republican). I think that devil is a friend of Lord who is vindicating the evil only to give Him criticism. If you are criticized, you are provoked and more creative. Yes people (almost all politicians have them) would hardly help the Lords and Gods and the devils. But if I go in any church and I tell this, all the "group-spirit" people will condemn me. They will tell me (this already happened to me) - "Devil is a big enemy. How can you say he is Lord's friend? You must be a demon-possessed person." Now, imagine other people than me, who, after being condemned, shall never contact believers because of possible rejection and feeling of inferiority in this group, and they start to look for other groups who, for example, will receive them but with ideas favoring terror and drugs; or imagine a theoretical person who, because of being condemned, refuses Catholics or Baptists and becomes a Witness of Jehovah. However, after a car accident his step child dies only because he refused the child to be given a blood transfusion. The real father of this child, who is a drunkard because his parents did not listen to priests in the same way as many other people do not listen to them because of the intuition of being rejected, will then possibly kill this step father and, as you can see it everywhere, the infinite chains of evil have continued in this form from the time the Lord created the first beast. Boom of spiritualism is more evil than it is good. We could avoid its negative effects by early psychological intervention that would develop understanding for harmony and our mutual variability. Only spiritual tolerance can be beneficial.

The rich and the poor. This is a very difficult issue but I think that we should see it, too, in the light of actions of chaining. The Australian gunman is now in prison and many people are dead. Yet, there may be many more people dead as we are still manufacturing the devils. We cannot tolerate. Why? Why it is difficult for Christians, who advocate love, to tolerate a man who thinks that Lucifer is God's friend, or who speaks loud in church? These people will never like me and we can find the answer in history - we were taught to see everything as black and white, we were conditioned by wrong attitudes and wrong ideas that have been passed on from generation to generation (if you are not successful, you mean nothing; if you criticize me, you are my enemy; if you do not wear a tie, you must be a silly man; if you do not drive a car, you must be inferior, etc.) The poor and the rich. We cannot solve this problem entirely, but we can do a lot to contribute. If we invested less in films and less in not necessary technology and more in poor countries, we will also indirectly invest in the healthy existence that surrounds us. Helmut Kohl, the German Chancellor, had an exhaustive debate in German Parliament. He advocated Yeltsin, he said that Russia needed help, because he realizes that Russia and other countries are OUR responsibility, too. It is a pity that Helmut Kohl had to do this speech. The people around him should have known that investment in poorer countries shall bring a feed-back.

Terrorism. I will introduce a typical mistake of governments. British government refused to negotiate with IRA. Why? They said they had nothing to discuss with terrorists. But terrorists are here. They are reality. You must accept it as the sun. Then the British government changed their view and things got better. A similar mistake of US government in the past was done by rejecting Mr. Arafat a visa. There are people who have extreme demands, but if you are a politician, a leader, you must speak at least for the lives of those who live and who may be dead tomorrow. This is how it goes everywhere in the world. If politicians refuse, it may have a considerable impact. I do not want to favor IRA or Mr. Arafat or Hamas, but they are a reality. And the reality must be faced as it is whether we like it or not.


In this article I gave my opinions regarding social pathology in view that it is interconnected - both with history, presence and future - with all of us, and that the society is a factory that has a considerable participation in the manufacture of social pathology. I do not want to say that all the evil comes from society, it also comes from us - the individuals - but I believe that there is a lot that can be done for the sake of those who live and who may uselessly die tomorrow. We should develop social "Greenpeace" advocates for the benefit of our world, for those who live and who may yet be harmed. This would save our children, it would contribute to our benefit and to the benefit of state budgets of arms race.

Psychology, in former Czechoslovakia, is walking hand in hand with new trends, and even though there is a lot of to achieve, we have not to be ashamed of being in a position of telling that we know everything. Those who think they know everything hardly know a little, those who know they do know a little are more knowledgeable.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Psychology and the Celebrity

Anna Nicole Smith was famous for being herself. She led a self-created extravagant, loving-every-minute lifestyle. She was constantly in the tabloids pertaining to her mood swings, slurring speech, choices of male companions, and greater-than-life persona. Her sudden death, on February 8, 2007 (Anna Nicole Smith 2007), made the public wonder who this voluptuous woman truly was.

Anna Nicole Smith, born Vickie Lynn Hogan, never seemed to be happy in her environment as a child. She would continuously change her name (Anna Nicole Smith, 2007), trying to be someone else. She used this defense mechanism to flee the emotional inhibitors present in her childhood home. Anna's half sister has reported that their father had sexually and physically abused Anna and her sisters (, 2007). Anna's mother removed her from that environment and ended up poor in a trailer park. Anna seemed always to want better, and would do what she needed to achieve her goals.

As described in the Cognitive/ Social Theory (Kowalski & Westen, 2005), Anna felt that by creating a different persona, she would escape her reality and achieve these goals of her ultimate dream of stardom. She believed that by reflecting certain over-exuberant behaviors, she could achieve her pie-in-the-sky dreams. Most anyone who watches television would say that she strived to be the next Marilyn Monroe. This is called a behavioral-outcome expectancy (Kowalski & Westen, 2005). Self-efficacy expectancy explains that Anna knew that she was in control and capable of achieving these goals. She set high personal goals in order to change her life into a dream she had always hoped would come true.

The Humanistic Theory explains that personality is created by one's environment and societal experiences. Rousseau clearly states (Kowalski & Westen, 2005), "man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." (pages 447-448). Anna was a compassionate, life-loving person, but felt held back by society and economics. She found employment in all work environments, from a chicken fry, to Wal-mart, to a strip club, in order to achieve her goals.

While working at the chicken fry, she wed a boy one year younger than she; he was sixteen at the time. They divorced shortly after; she also had a son by this man. Anna Nicole began stripping at a club, while mailing in body shots to Playboy Magazine (Anna Nicole Smith, 2007), trying to get into the Hollywood scene. She was aware of her true self, but was willing to delve into a false self in order to escape her binds (Kowalski & Westen, 2005). She wanted to be accepted and loved by all, literally. Anna met an oil tycoon while stripping, and married him years later. This marriage and relationship was extremely controversial because the gentleman was eighty-nine at the time, she was only twenty-seven. Many, including the man's son, thought of Anna as a gold digger, but Anna stated that she was self- sufficient and truly loved this man (Goldman, 2001). Again, Anna was making a name for herself and placing herself into the tabloids. She was continuously creating an ideal self. The presence of an ideal self is the complete absorption of the false self, and the complete suppression of one's true needs and personality (Kowalski & Westen, 2005).

Anna became a widow only one year later. Her husband's son took Anna to court, preventing her from getting any money. She demanded that she loved him, and he loved her. He wanted her to be taken care of (Goldman, 2001). The case was still dancing in and out of the court system at the time of Anna's death.

Anna's death was sudden to everyone. However, she did suffer from depression continuously. She did not hide from the public the fact that she took antidepressants. She had been shown on television obviously mixing alcohol with antidepressants, slurring her speech and flailing her arms in the air (, 2007). Anna especially suffered from depression close to her demise. She had lost her first-born child, twenty years old, and given birth to a daughter, just months before. Anna had not stated who her daughter's father was; this was discovered after Anna's death (Anna Nicole's Afterlife, 2007). Even though she wanted to paint the tabloids with her life, Anna seemed to want this part of her life kept secret. It seemed that she wanted different for her new family.
The Humanistic theory best supports Anna Nicole Smith's personality. Her childhood was filled with unavoidable situations of her environment. Her adulthood was built on self-created drama and stardom. Anna buried her true self as a young child, renaming herself several times until finally settling on Anna Nicole Smith. She was willing to share her ups and downs with the nation through the ever-honest tabloids, and never flinched when exploited. The one trait Anna never did hide was her big, loving southern heart. She wanted the world to love and remember her for who she was and for what she came from.


Anna Nicole's afterlife. (2007, June 4). Maclean's, Retrieved October 18, 2007, from Academic
Search Premier database.

Anna Nicole's half-sister's tell-all book. (2007, April 12)., Retrieved October 19,
2007, from

Anna Nicole Smith. (2007, February 17). Economist, Retrieved October 18, 2007, from
Academic Search Premier database.

Goldman, D. (2001, March). The millioraire and the playmate. Biography, 5(3), 28. Retrieved
October 18, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.

Kowalski, R. M., and Westen, D. (2005). Psychology; The Study of Mental Processes and
Behavior, (4th Edition). USA: John Wily & Sons, Inc.

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The Importance Of Dreams And Their Analysis

Dream research was popularized by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Unfortunately, beyond their field of psychology, Dream research and interpretation never really hit the mainstream. This is quite a pity because dreams are such a rich resource for our self understanding and growth.

It is a known fact that every person dreams. If we can harness the messages in the dreams, we can make very informed decisions in our life. Why is this so? This is because dreams offer and reveal to us many levels and layers of information.

The more important types of information that dreams reveals to us are:

1. Our personality inclinations and behavioural responses. From the reactions in our dreams we can know our hidden patterns and triggers. Many people are the opposite of how others and themselves perceived them to be. In another word, our inner self can be very different from the personality that we project out to the world and others. Dream analysis offers the opportunity for these hidden aspects to be discovered.

2. What may happen in the near future. As much as this sound far fetched and unbelievable, dreams can really forecast what's going to happen in the near future. I have many dreams that signified what will happen within the next two weeks or so.

As you can see now, dream and their interpretation are not just some fancy hocus pocus that new age people talk about. It can be and has been a useful and reliable source of information that is designed to help the dreamer make informed decisions.

That's all for the article. Hope that it has been meaningful to you.

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Make A Difference

Behind a personality, there are factors, which made it so. A different perception on a single object shows how a thought from an individual to other varies. Psychologists believe that early age of the human life play a major role in the personality development because it is a time when a child observes it's surrounding and adopt actions happens around him.

Children always copy their parents and try to behave like them. If parents are reacting on small things then this in turns affect their children and this habit begins to develop in their child and similarly if parents are doing injustice with their kids then it is obvious that these kids will never do justice with others when mature. I observed that lack of love from parents produce in children less tolerant and violent behavior however criticizing and torture acts produces less confident & emotional disturb personalities. Children mostly do not learn from what you teach them but by your behavior with them. I analyzed that every positive or negative emotion produces two effects in a children. It was interesting to me that children starts telling lies if you react badly when they tell you truth. You need to be conscious about your acts when dealing with your growing child in an early age. If you criticize your child on every little problem, it declines the confident of your child and secondly your child when grow up criticize others on little problems. Similarly, positive emotions have dual advantages.

If you give your child respect and love by showing ethical attitude and tolerance by doing so then your child must reflect your image. If during development, you do not care in providing your child proper and balanced environment, your child must show its effects in the form of different emotions and habits. There are many other factors, which influence in making of any personality like childhood environment, trait from ancestor genes, and behavior of parents but providing these is up to you. It is in your own hands how you develop a personality of infant. Instead, to teach you need to shows a positive attitude practically in order to make a difference.


Body Image Psychology Study

Body image has complex psychological and physical characteristics, with continually changing physical feelings, emotions and aspects of self worth. It is sensitive to moods, emotions and water weight retention. Through interaction with other people, perceptions develop about body image and strengthen what we learn culturally.

The University of British Columbia (Department of Psychiatry) studied how women with anorexia nervosa express negative feelings. The study involved 21 women with anorexia nervosa (according to DSM-IV criteria) in comparison to 21 normal women. Those with anorexia scored higher for anger suppression and difficulty in expressing negative emotions (published in 2000 in the International Journal of Eating Disorders).

Poor body image alone does not lead to bulimia or anorexia. It occurs in all people (not just college students or teens) and could become problematic in school going age children and preteens. Poor body image revolves around various complex psychological issues which do not essentially end up as eating disorders which cause severe damage to body organs and system.

A 16 month study by the University of Melbourne (School of Psychology) in Australia intended to evaluate the utilization of biopsychosocial models to clarify body image amongst normal and overweight girls and boys.

Questionnaires assessed the predictive roles of self-esteem, Body Mass Index (BMI) and apparent pressures to achieve weight loss in girls and boys (ages of 9.2 to 9.3 years). The study concluded, after 18 months, that overweight girls and boys were most likely to be unhappy about and focus on their weight, while they also suffered from low self-esteem (lower than peers of normal weight). The journal Appetite, published the study in 2005.

A study, over 12 months, by the University of Washington of grade 7 and 10 girls and boys, researched ways that body dissatisfaction developed and how peer and social relations, psychological factors and body mass index contributed towards it. Results indicated that body dissatisfaction in girls resulted from appearance comparison, conversations with friends and body mass while boys internalized theirs via comparisons of themselves to muscular ideals. These findings appeared in 2004 in the journal of Developmental Psychology.

Another Australian study, published in 2006 in the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, by the School of Psychological Science, Melbourne, found that body dissatisfaction is a great risk factor for developing low self-esteem and depression.

Psychology studies regarding body image identifies why and how people react but don't necessarily devise ways to improve circumstances. Only by successfully evaluating psychological effects and implementing effective treatment methods will people learn ways to deal with eating disorders and correct their perceptions regarding body image.
