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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Group Politics and Industry Associations - The Individual Creative Genius is at Stake

Recently, a new writer asked; "How can I write in a way to make me look smart?" This bothered me somewhat, you see I am a writer in my retirement and I have always been very cynical about people writing stuff, that they knew nothing about. Now, I see that there are many folks who write to deceive us for their own glory, for making money or to splash the headlines.

Another writer reading that same question, replied that the writer could never be considered smart because they are an individual and not with a group. Interesting comment and this is the perception, society often gives more credence to those who belong to a group. Think about this for a second.

Indeed, there is a lot to be said for the power of a group and their endorsement of an individual in the group, as achieved, intelligent, gifted or expert. Which, in a way, is an utter shame, because someone in a group has to alter their thoughts and mind to be one with the group to prove they are worthy, rather than using their intellect to reason a "third way" or alternative. Thus, the need to belong is so very important to people, their ego, their status and how they are perceived by others as being in this case smart, or in other cases talented, brilliant, or expert in nature.

Often people who wish to be top tier professionals will go out of their way to align themselves with associations, groups or committees to show that others believe them to be of that status.

Therefore, those who follow in lock-step in order to be perceived as intellectuals, are only of high emotional IQ, understanding that the value of perception of being wise, smart, or brilliant is more important to many than the actual genius.

The most brilliant of all would most likely allow their names to be bantered or given accolades occasionally in such groups only for the benefit of information flow or opening doors in order to go onto the next important endeavor, but all the while they would understand that groups give awards to promote the group as being filled with smart people, not actually for the benefit of the individual getting the honors.

Indeed, that is a fringe or secondary benefit to the individual, but groups care about their status as much as the gentleman wanting to be thought of as being smart, rather than going the distance to become one with wisdom, which is a long, hard and lifetime road, not merely a few writing techniques, allowing for a short cut.

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