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Monday, October 20, 2008

The Meaning Behind Dreams - An Internal Vision of Your Psyche

When you analyze your dreams your personality is clearly visible to you. You start understanding why you behave the way you do and how you can stop making the same mistakes of the past.

Most people keep repeating the same mistakes during their entire lives, because the human being is in fact very inconsequential and he rarely learns how to avoid what is bad, even after all the deceptions that he faces in life.

So, your dreams show you everything about you that you cannot see alone: you have an internal vision about the content of your psyche, as if you could enter inside it and take pictures.

You have the opportunity to see the wild part of your conscience, which you ignore, and then realize how much it keeps influencing your behavior and your decisions.

You may be very sad with your own behavior and with your actions. However, if you made many mistakes in life, this was not your fault: you were pushed to do so by the wild anti-conscience, the wild side of your conscience, that keeps trying to imprison you in the labyrinth of craziness in order to completely control your behavior.

It dominates you sometimes, and this is why you make mistakes and then you suffer with their consequences.

You need psychotherapy through dream interpretation in order to eliminate this danger by transforming the anti-conscience into a positive part of your human side.

With my simplification of Carl Jung's method, you'll immediately learn how to use this knowledge, finding health and happiness without a doubt.

The meaning which exists behind your dreams reveals your real identity, showing you how to transform your personality, so that you'll be always wise and self-confident.

They reflect your inner side, showing you how your own psyche functions, besides showing you other people's inner side and their secrets, and how the entire world functions.

You will discover a real treasure when you learn how to exactly translate the dream messages!

Their meaning will reveal to you various aspects of the external reality that you totally ignore, besides all the hidden aspects of your internal world.

This way, you'll overcome your depression or neurosis in a very short period of time.

I'm noticing that my students are overcoming depression much earlier with my version of Jung's method, because it is very clear and easy to follow.

Even though the time required for basic psychotherapy through dream interpretation for depressed or neurotic patients varies from 6 to 8 months according to my new version of Jung's method, this time can be reduced to the middle, if not less, depending on the case and basically, depending on the patient's attitude.

Good students learn fast and overcome their problems immediately.

I'm really happy with the results of many cases and their fast recovery!

This method of dream interpretation is accurate, can be understood and used by anyone and its results are guaranteed. It was tested more than many times in many different cases, for decades.

I simplified it very much for you, to allow you to immediately learn what Carl Jung's students learn only after two years of psychotherapy, besides learning what exactly exists in the unknown region of your psyche and how you can keep your mental health for life, thanks to the result of my own research.

Therefore, your success depends only on your personal efforts.

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