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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Free Online Dream Interpretation Example

This is a free online dream interpretation example. Dream interpretation or analysis is often overlooked as something trivial. The fact is, our dreams and their stories offer the opportunities for us to look at something or issues that we may need to be aware of.

The following is a fairly common dream. It is also a real life example. Lets call the dreamer John for easy illustrative purposes. By the way, John is not the real name of the person who had this dream. .

The Dream scene

John is running around inside a building. There are some dinosaurs that seem to be following or hunting John. In the dream, he is very frightened. He is moving from room to room, in an effort to run away from the dinosaurs.

After some analysis of the dream, we can extract the following dream symbols from the story is that being described above.

Below are some dream symbols that are found within the dream.

Dream symbol 1. Building: This symbol symbolizes self.

Dream symbol 2. Room. This symbol represents the different aspects of our self and personality.

Dream symbol 3. Dinosaur: This symbol often represents some beliefs within us that are not longer useful or valid. It is usually associated with being outdated.

The following is a Dream Interpretation based on the dream symbols and analysis.

John is carrying some old beliefs and way of thinking that are no longer useful. As symbolised by running away from the dinosaurs, he is attempting to remove these kinds of beliefs and thinking habits.

This dream is very likely a message for him to find out what these limiting beliefs are so that he can live a better life.

Well, that is all for the free online dream interpretation. Hope that it has been useful.


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